
Legal Research & Information Service


Public Records Search

The records most persons will typically need include birth certificates, death certificates, marriage records, and divorce records. The records are maintained by the state or local government, in which the event took place. Getting copies of these records can be a lengthy, frustrating, and time consuming.

  • · You save on time, fees, and transportation cost
  • · You benefit from the experience of professional trained in legal research and legal assistance.
  • · We also provide incorporation and trademark services and business organization filings for businesses in Maryland.
  • Legal Research, Legal Search Consultants & Attorney Services

    We provide document filing, process service, stenographic, computerized litigation support and video deposition, long-term and short-term law library services, including consulting, management, maintenance services, paralegal and case law search services to attorneys at law, law firms, accounting firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies, and academic law libraries.

    Document Preparation Services

    We specialize in completing legal documents under the consumer's specific directions. We provide informational assistance with filing the necessary documents within the appropriate court, and with serving documents on the appropriate parties at an affordable cost.

    DAWLRIS helps to explain the law in user-friendly, easy-to-understand terms, including current information for people who represent themselves in court, and we are very happy to provide such an important service.

    Debt Management Services

    We offer a full line of debt management services, including debt verification, debt validation, debt consolidation, debt elimination, debt discharge, debt adjustment, novation and bankruptcy services.
    • · We negotiate with your creditors
    • · We demand accurate credit reporting on your behalf
    • · Your credit is repaired
  • Notary Public Services
  • We have State of Maryland Commissioned Notaries on Staff.



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